Monday, 12 March 2018

Paul Woodward Timmins - Things You Should Know About Fleet Management Metrics to Boost Profitability

Fleet Management refers to managing and caring for every company's vehicle fleet. It is particularly popular and important in businesses and organizations, which rely heavily on transportation, especially for self-employment for daily tasks. Almost all companies use basic services such as vehicle financing or funding, insurance and maintenance, along with the fleet, in addition to the characteristics of driver and management such as speed and fuel management can be added to ensure the safety and customization of the vehicle's economy. Or additional services can also be found. Typically, the basic work of fleet management is specific vehicle tracking through which the immediate location of every car or truck in the fleet is known.

Paul Woodward Timmins
Things You Should Know About Fleet Management Metrics

Preventive Maintenance (PM) Currency: Are you certain that your assets (trucks, trailers, APUs, reefers, etc.) are current with their preventive maintenance schedule? Has it been automatically captured or dependent on manual data entry? Remember, high preventive maintenance currency is one of the best ways to keep your trucks on the road.

Breakdowns Between PMs: Track this data to better understand the effectiveness of your preventive maintenance program. When PMS is done correctly, the truck should not return to the shop for a mechanical failure until its next scheduled prime minister inspection. Keeping an eye on what is the reason for trucks to break between PAM, your own inspection process, the effectiveness of technicians and how your internal shop and external service providers are performing.

Downtime: Measuring Downtime or Days Out of Service (DOS) is a good barometer of the effectiveness of your fleet maintenance and repair practices. For internal shops and external service providers, see both wrench time and non-wrench time. Our experience shows that you will feel the biggest uptime benefit by reducing the non-wrench time portion of the repair. See also downtime in your providers (internal and external) by property providers, due to repair and VMR-coded operations. Not all service events are created equal, but VMRS-coded events give you a great benchmarking tool.

Paul Woodward Timmins
Fleet Management Metrics You Should Track to Boost Profitability
Asset utilization:  While 100 percent asset use is not realistic because your trucks need to get out of service for periodic maintenance, this does not mean that you should try for a higher asset usage rate. When measuring asset usage does not make a difference in security stocks and fare, which fills zero when the asset is low due to an undetermined service incident. We have also worked with TMC so that the new VMRS code can be prepared to track the rent, depending on whether the option (failure of full service lease property), capacity truck.

CSA Violations and Fines: Do you know how many violations and penalty maintenance of your CSA are in Basic? If your security department is not sharing the CSA report with you, ask them to see them clearly highlight the weaknesses in your maintenance efforts, especially if your trucks are being quoted for the same problems. It also gives you insight into the effect of your DVIR and PM.

Paul Woodward Timmins is a successful businessman who provides the help in fleet management, rebuilding and bucket manufacturing in Ontario.

If you are face any type of problem related to this topic, then you can reach out with us. We would love to resolve it.

Monday, 15 January 2018

Paul Woodward Timmins - Steps to Measure the Fleet Effectiveness

In today's data-driven world, this one has been given that the fleet starts rolling in the type of information that will allow them to measure their effectiveness with a little difficulty. The reality is that the data is only a piece of information that has no meaning until it is collected, analyzed, and interpreted. While fleets can do all things themselves, but there are number of companies available that can help to interpret and measure the plethora of data.

Paul Woodward Timmins
Tips to Measure Fleet Effectiveness
Here are some important factors through which you can determine the effectiveness of the fleet.

Don’t Call it an Audit: - While finding the fleet's data to properly evaluate the effectiveness of the fleet, it can be said to be an audit, this label has some negative meaning that can interrupt the process."When we do a comprehensive review of the operation of a fleet, we usually call it 'Operational Evaluation of Program Implementation'.

Measuring at the Granular Level: - Fleets are nervous in numbers, but can be caught in many spigs to catch everyone. Many fleets have a fleet information system, which includes financial or other operational data, maintenance data and telematics.

Bench-marking the Fleet: - Bench-marking is an important part of the auditing process, but while the fleet managers should do so many factors should be kept in mind. The key to the process - and in fact the measurement process of any fleet - is to ensure that it is not an attempt to make a size-fit-all, but still remain in reference to the best practices of the fleet.

According to “Timmins”, there are number of steps that fleets take into consideration in order to make effective and successful bench-marking. These are:-

Include all stakeholders and have executive support.
  • ·         Use a multidisciplinary project team.
  • ·         Have clear and focused objectives.
  • ·         Use a reasonable time frame.
  • ·         Commit to change and improvement.

Weighting Fleet Vehicles by the Numbers: -. Some people which done fleet audits throughout the company, uses a form of vehicle equivalency called maintenance and repair unit analysis.

These techniques weight the number of vehicles in the operation of fleet in proportion to their relative maintenance and repair requirements. Weight factor can be obtained in many ways. One way to get the best estimation of the best managers for the annual amount of mechanical hours required for the vehicle is to conduct surveys.

Paul Woodward Timmins

Measuring Benefits and Losses: - There are various benefits to the fleet and some losses to avoid audit or benchmarking studies.

The biggest advantage for the fleet in regular auditing is creating the year-to-year trend, which makes the fleet managers debate their case for senior management. "In the fleet place and in the fleet's world, conducting annual audits of its fleet and in the year-and-year and year-out movements to combat these battles, fully armed with fleet of ammunition is used.

The one of the biggest damage fleet is not often with the amount of data encounter, but with no explanation of the personnel to interpret it.

In this article, Paul Woodward Timmins has discussed the some operations of fleet management through you can increase the efficiency and get more benefits.

If you want to learn more and improve fleet effectiveness, then you can directly reach out to us. We would like to resolve your problem.